Is it normal for a horse out to pasture to suddenly lay down? - horse pasture fencing
In addition to my work is a small fenced meadow with a horse on it. Not enter into or anything. It has an irrigation canal and feeding. Suddenly I realized that he slept with his head on the floor right now, and I wonder if this is normal.
Horse Pasture Fencing Is It Normal For A Horse Out To Pasture To Suddenly Lay Down?
9:44 PM
Horses are often up for a short time. To the extent that it was not long and does not appear in danger, okay. Sound, healthy horse is usually carried out when a person goes.
The horses are set forth from time to time, so it is difficult to determine whether it without him seeing me.
If this setting for a long time something could go wrong. If set, and rolls and rolls without having had a backup, colic ... In this case, he could die without help.
Worms While it seems to be a healthy weight, he could be tired, but it seems small, it may be dying of hunger or have.
If the owner does not seem to do anything with the horse, you call your local humane society and ask them to check on the horse.
It's a bit boring, not even a game for the horse, but not terrible, which is currently still not be affected. My horse has quite often. They just collapsed, and chillax. If you begin to act in a cold sweat too, kicking, etc. I would like to start a little worried because these are signs of colic. But that is only down is not necessarily a bad thing.
No, the horses sleep standing up, if a horse is to be expected, because it is the birth of what or who is ill. Horses normally set, if you have stomach problems. It is not normal.
hey are just tired ... But it is sad and a little worse than not to enter a hangar
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